Omni-potent thought box


"Cool,Calm & Collective with a different retrospective"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"OPERATION_DREAM'S" Karin Olivo, An Inspirational Hero in the war against hunger..By:Christopher S. Cluney

"OPERATION DREAM" An organization that is dedicated to feeding POOR ORPHAN CHILDREN in the Dominican Republic,But one of the Megalithic inspirations behind "Operation_Dream" is an Intelligent Kind Hearted 14 year old Teen named,KARIN OLIVO, Who In my heart & in the heart of these little dreamer's,is very much a real life SUPERHERO That combats hunger & provides lots of HELP to NEEDY CHILDREN who really appreciates the HELP,Plus I'm proud to say she is my little cousin as well,KARIN OLIVO,A big contributer of HAPPINESS,HOPE & LITTLE DREAMER SMILES,Well Here she is in her television premier on a local Southern Californian News Station called ABC7, Explaining what "Operation Dream" is all about & how like her,you can provide HELP & DONATE Food,Smiles & Happiness to these little DREAMER'S..For More Information on how you can become a Hero to these Little Dreamers just like KARIN...Just go to... & donate,you can also Tweet them @,SO PLEASE DONATE & HELP US Combat the evil nightmare called Hunger...GOD BLESS & Thank you.. : )
Cool Kid helps needy kids in Haiti, the D.R.

1 comment:

  1. If You wanna Make a difference in these children's Live's You can Donate @ or you.
