Omni-potent thought box


"Cool,Calm & Collective with a different retrospective"

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ganja Tea: Natural Remedy to Combat the Common Cold...

Ganja Tea or Sweet Ganja hot chocolate ---->Ingredient's:For Sweet Ganja Hot Cocoa:-Milk-(To Taste,But remember the More Milk The More THC(the milk activates the THC)the higher effect you'll get ;)..=For The Ganja Tea:WATER- - Now for both drinks you'll need 1gram of ground up Ganja((Marijuana))-You can add more if you want a more stronger HIGH.You can also leave/stems in;)and a half table spoon of real butter for tea(so that the butter can activate the THC)----:Strainer-Bag of favorite tea if making ganja tea or favorite Cocoa mix if making sweet ganja hot cocoa---2 saucepans... Directions on making tea or cocoa:-Pour water or milk into saucepan and heat until simmer----Then:Put ground up Ganja into saucepan to boil for 5 to 10 mins-then let the mixture sit for 15 mins after boil...---Strain contents of saucepan into second saucepan...---Then pour the water or milk into cup of favorite tea mixture if water or if milk pour with favorite cocoa mixture...---AND ALWAYS REMEMBER TO ENJOY.... recipe taken from article in 420time magazine thank you...

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