Omni-potent thought box


"Cool,Calm & Collective with a different retrospective"

Saturday, January 1, 2011

"Listen to your heart & believe"- -By: Christopher S. Cluney

"Listen to your heart & believe,Understand the metaphor's of life & maybe you'll succeed, presented in plain sight they are shown,so just keep your focus & you might see,what once was hard to grasp now is easy for me to achieve, all you gotta do is listen to your heart & believe,Just believe & never give up on yourself,because sometimes your hope's & your dream's are all you have...If you nurish & keep hold on to what you believe & visualize it accurately,then it will grow like a tree planted by the river's of water that will bear fruit of faith for you to eat & if you decide to share some fruit be selective,& like all tree's,care & nurishment is is needed,so stay with a good heart, stay as truthful & loyal to those you care for as long as they show the same in return,but even if they don't show respect to them or to yourself...Staying cool,calm & collective is always a must,when around unfamiliar people,whenever you feel strained with anxiety smoke some marijuana & relax or go somewhere of comfort...Where you can be alone...once your at the location find a place to sit or stand....clear your mind...picture an empty canvas...Slowly raise both arms with your fingertips extended as well,& stretch,then breath in slowly & exhale fully & lower your arms why'll doing this keep your eye's closed with the empty canvas in thought & paint that canvas anyway you want let your thoughts just flow onto the canvas visualize until the anxiety is breaking down with every bit of thought,that is added to the canvas & after you paint your picture then raise your arms slowly eye's still closed...Why'll raising arms...extend fingers count to 10 during this process when arms are fully raised finger's extend then lower them & exhale fully as you do this that canvas you pictured mentally throw it, visualize it going,going,going,until it simply disappears then slowly open your eyes & now your more focused to think clearly...Believe with your heart,& the mind follows positively...But truly believe...fully with your Heart.". Contact me @ TWITTERdotCOM/Day2Day_GodStar or Just Google : Day2Day1nSociety or apply it to your search engine...

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