Omni-potent thought box


"Cool,Calm & Collective with a different retrospective"

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Donate to a great cause ""Help combat Hunger"-Dream...

-Through the DREAM Project, we seek to deliver hope, by feeding who are hungry, both in body and in spirit. We also strive to inspire young people to DREAM big and empower them to make a difference in their world. Our earnest hope is that the lives of those who give, those who receive, and even those who watch the DREAM from a distance will soar to new heights.

If you're old enough to read this, and young enough to still dream big, we need your help to keep the DREAM alive.

Contact us today for more information. go to a few words to let you know what's happening on the ground: Primo went to the orphanage in Haiti on 4/10, and put on a major cook out for the kids... They were so excited to have this party. After lunch, many of the kids were singing and laughing.

We're really looking forward to sharing a meal with these kids and getting to know them this summer. The orphanage is a large 3-bedroom house where about fifty kids call home. There is no plumbing, electricity, or indoor kitchen.

We've got big DREAMs of fixing up the place so that at least they have safe drinking water and decent beds.

We hope the icing on the cake will be a swing set out back.

Here at home, we are waiting to see how the food collection turns out at the end of the month. Of course, we will post the results as soon as we know what we've collected.

For more news catch us @ 

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