My expressions,my impressions,my poetic thought's of an abstract nature brought to you from me directly out this mind of mine that shines like a diamond,this mind of mine that is physics my mind is quantum physically Infinite.:\\
Omni-potent thought box
"Cool,Calm & Collective with a different retrospective"
Friday, January 28, 2011
The Creation of Universe
I liked this video hope everyone else find's this video enjoyable...It's Thee Creation of the Universe...Enjoy..Everyone.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
"OPERATION_DREAM'S" Karin Olivo, An Inspirational Hero in the war against hunger..By:Christopher S. Cluney
"OPERATION DREAM" An organization that is dedicated to feeding POOR ORPHAN CHILDREN in the Dominican Republic,But one of the Megalithic inspirations behind "Operation_Dream" is an Intelligent Kind Hearted 14 year old Teen named,KARIN OLIVO, Who In my heart & in the heart of these little dreamer's,is very much a real life SUPERHERO That combats hunger & provides lots of HELP to NEEDY CHILDREN who really appreciates the HELP,Plus I'm proud to say she is my little cousin as well,KARIN OLIVO,A big contributer of HAPPINESS,HOPE & LITTLE DREAMER SMILES,Well Here she is in her television premier on a local Southern Californian News Station called ABC7, Explaining what "Operation Dream" is all about & how like her,you can provide HELP & DONATE Food,Smiles & Happiness to these little DREAMER'S..For More Information on how you can become a Hero to these Little Dreamers just like KARIN...Just go to... & donate,you can also Tweet them @,SO PLEASE DONATE & HELP US Combat the evil nightmare called Hunger...GOD BLESS & Thank you.. : )
Thursday, January 13, 2011
"In one man's brain" by: Christopher S. Cluney
A deft decree of dedication towards day 2 day in society,deep determination in definite deferent defender of dependable mind driven idea's developed mental telepathic dimensions that give out television signals of images etched from my head to your,extra encouraging explicit external euphoria extracting enjoyment & enigma at the same time,evident to the fact that folks forethoughts find frivolity from may seem fictitious but all to real to me,sometimes reality isn't reality evolution in a first stage in one man's brain on a worldwide main stage called mind of mine.
Monday, January 10, 2011
"All that my mind encumbers"- By: Christopher S. Cluney"
A Cloud of magnificent smoke puffed out from one toke off dank,keeps my head changed in marvelous ways...Thoughts surround me with the voices of people I meet in the past my family,friends,advocates,adversary's,acquaintances revolve around & round like a carousel at a carnival in the back of my brain,different cerebral sensations cover the grooves that run deep within to maintain sanity kept away from insanity,connecting nerve to nerve making images heard out verbally all in due time with a current jolt sending vibrations fluttering shockingly encumbering every inch of my body,then their's a pause at my heart when I sneezed,My pulse stood frozen for a point of a second,I am weigh-less right now,but suddenly revived by reflux of adrenaline crashing through me like a stampede of raging buffalo,taking me by storm...A Rush of hunger bursts into a flow-ward motion towards the refrigerator to make an electric signal to my hand from the mass of this 3lbs or more that I keep inbetween the left & right ear,tells me inside to swing that handle to open that shit so I can grab a half thawed out extra big hot pocket that I picked up at 7-11 at 12:30 in thee night time when internet porn got boring yesterday...I even had some Chocolate silk soy milk that tasted better when I added some extra nestle quik to it,when I shifted my above average build 180 degrees my opposite back to my place on the pedestal of writer's in my sanctuary I call my room where I hibernate on what I would write next maybe even something as random as this cluster of sentences I just put together,Whatever it maybe,It all will spill out my mind,into something that makes halfway sense,to me & even more sense to you that's not non-sense but total common sense when your senses sense a trace of a sense of a smudge into a shape of what once was abstract but intact into indifferent meshes of mess,blended in course come together for a purpose to distribute into a multi-universal combination I like to assure to everyone that as difficult as it seems yes my mind isn't detachable...Thank you.
"My Struggle" by: Christopher S Cluney It's a struggle to strive & survive these different stages in life,looking for a solution to these confusing clusters of events of joy,love,pain & sorrow while borrowed time is shared & compared through indifferent path's of mentality all wrapped in one mind, as I still try to keep it cool in my own skin...My mind doesn't wanna let go & explode on impact with these indifferent thought's that collide constantly. I wait patiently & try to remain sane,With no regrets to what life has got in store for me,for I am only one person in this struggle.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
"Why the fuck do they hate me"-By: Christopher S. Cluney
- Why do they hate me.
- Why the fuck do they hate me.
- Why do they hate the fuck out of me.
- Why do they hate me & hurt me,why the fuck.
- Why the fuck do they hate me & hurt me & push me to the ground.
- Why do they fuckin hate me & hurt me & push me to the fuckin ground & kick dirt in my face.
- Why they fuckin hate me & hurt me & push me to hit the fuckin ground,eatin shit,bruised & bloody,they kick dirt in my face then they laugh & call me pussy as they see me in pain.
- Next time I see them,I ask why do they hate me as I cock back the hammer on my revolver"Laughter hits my mind as,I point"Bang"-Point"Bang"-Point"Bang" laughter hits me with reality...
- Huh,What,Huh...Silence"Now theirs,no more reasons for them to hate now."Bang","Trickle,Trickle,Trickle,Ssquirt,...((Silence)).
"These Various Shade's of Reality in Contrast"By: Christopher S. Cluney
As eyes bloom like flowers in a technicolor sunshine,time is illuminated & people wake to new light,that beamed out of a overcast shroud that once consumed us like a hellish fire of doom that gloomed above our heads,seeing....Now that once was invisible,peace,love,songs of sweet rejoice,happiness with strength of hope & plans for eternal hate diminished away with the hurtful evil people that went like vapors of dope smoke of haze that was blown away with the winds of sorrow....Gone for good we pray as time partakes in a different contrast of reality where instead of sadness,pain & insanity...Man & Woman,Animal & Earth,Universe & Mind...Where standing in paradise tranquil & aware that being happy,good to one another,peaceful kind respectful giving & love for the earth & each other no longer seeing hell,but heaven is within & with all of us we just gotta find it with loyalty to love & trust.....
Sunday, January 2, 2011
"Concentrated Convolsive Concealed Conception's" By: Christopher Cluney
" -This Consistent consternation that constitutes constraints constantly constricting my conversations continuously & contaminating critical cerebral core criterion,creating a cynical complexion that confuses a considerable amount of my conscious leaving it condemned causing a captious churlish crazy crest fall...of calamity...the first signs into a crash course of insanity. I try to stay cool,calm & collective,but my conclusions always come into clarity, self-concerned,considering complete seclusion from everyone's crooked cynic thoughts cloud my central cortex lobe,can't conceal my addiction...thinking concepts of cold carnal contradiction's that conflict my life of fiction corrupt chaos is masked,with fake laughs & grins but as soon as I get a chance to get away I jump on the first binge that contorts my mind & cramps my stomach that causes me to cringe due to mental force fasting from essential food & drink consumption closed off from society in my dark room cornered in all my gloom why can't I function without contraband substances, with clammy hands calaused fingers sitting on my bed consumed & neglected just a corpse with a soul that was rejected,very much out of place with my family not feeling any connection,haven't had any sleep in two or three day's with a churning pain in my midsection & it hurts to see my own reflection because I know dreadfully that the man in the mirror needs closure ,serious physical health & serious mental health corrections... I haven't felt like that in almost a year already."
"Natural Lusting for her"- - By: Christopher S. Cluney
From her every strand of hair to her deep lovely eyes,to her magnificent body... Overwhelming is her stunning features & when she spoke her words seemed to stream through her tongue wrapping around my earlobe in whispers of delightful caresses... How warm she was & cozy... When we were close together it felt like our hearts were in sync.... Whom ever she was?...I wanted more....
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Donate to a great cause ""Help combat Hunger"-Dream...
-Through the DREAM Project, we seek to deliver hope, by feeding who are hungry, both in body and in spirit. We also strive to inspire young people to DREAM big and empower them to make a difference in their world. Our earnest hope is that the lives of those who give, those who receive, and even those who watch the DREAM from a distance will soar to new heights.
If you're old enough to read this, and young enough to still dream big, we need your help to keep the DREAM alive.
Contact us today for more information. go to a few words to let you know what's happening on the ground: Primo went to the orphanage in Haiti on 4/10, and put on a major cook out for the kids... They were so excited to have this party. After lunch, many of the kids were singing and laughing.
We're really looking forward to sharing a meal with these kids and getting to know them this summer. The orphanage is a large 3-bedroom house where about fifty kids call home. There is no plumbing, electricity, or indoor kitchen.
We've got big DREAMs of fixing up the place so that at least they have safe drinking water and decent beds.
We hope the icing on the cake will be a swing set out back.
Here at home, we are waiting to see how the food collection turns out at the end of the month. Of course, we will post the results as soon as we know what we've collected.
For more news catch us @
Here's something interesting?
Here's an interesting view on this ancient mystery,the planet of nibiru,can this planet be a hoax or reality,well in due time we will find out this truth...Just watch the video & you put together the puzzle for yourself.
"Listen to your heart & believe"- -By: Christopher S. Cluney
"Listen to your heart & believe,Understand the metaphor's of life & maybe you'll succeed, presented in plain sight they are shown,so just keep your focus & you might see,what once was hard to grasp now is easy for me to achieve, all you gotta do is listen to your heart & believe,Just believe & never give up on yourself,because sometimes your hope's & your dream's are all you have...If you nurish & keep hold on to what you believe & visualize it accurately,then it will grow like a tree planted by the river's of water that will bear fruit of faith for you to eat & if you decide to share some fruit be selective,& like all tree's,care & nurishment is is needed,so stay with a good heart, stay as truthful & loyal to those you care for as long as they show the same in return,but even if they don't show respect to them or to yourself...Staying cool,calm & collective is always a must,when around unfamiliar people,whenever you feel strained with anxiety smoke some marijuana & relax or go somewhere of comfort...Where you can be alone...once your at the location find a place to sit or stand....clear your mind...picture an empty canvas...Slowly raise both arms with your fingertips extended as well,& stretch,then breath in slowly & exhale fully & lower your arms why'll doing this keep your eye's closed with the empty canvas in thought & paint that canvas anyway you want let your thoughts just flow onto the canvas visualize until the anxiety is breaking down with every bit of thought,that is added to the canvas & after you paint your picture then raise your arms slowly eye's still closed...Why'll raising arms...extend fingers count to 10 during this process when arms are fully raised finger's extend then lower them & exhale fully as you do this that canvas you pictured mentally throw it, visualize it going,going,going,until it simply disappears then slowly open your eyes & now your more focused to think clearly...Believe with your heart,& the mind follows positively...But truly believe...fully with your Heart.". Contact me @ TWITTERdotCOM/Day2Day_GodStar or Just Google : Day2Day1nSociety or apply it to your search engine...
"Who is you" -By:Christopher S. Cluney
"Who is you,a cool,calm & collective person who's never curse,who's never bursting in rage,who's never ugly or who's never acting like a dummy,who's never doing wrong,who's never cutting down the next man because he read's bible psalm's,who's never done any sin's,who's never been on an addict's binge,who's never disrespecting the next man's or woman's relationship,who's never an asshole,who's never made fun of a person because their strange or because their deformed or handicapped,who's never sat in the seat of the scornful in this life of conflict & turmoil...So let me ask everybody once again...who is you...who is you.."- -Enjoy the Music...
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