She is inside my thoughts,my love for her is in my heart...,Who is immaculate to me,perfect in my eyes,My love for her is in my heart,friendship turned destiny into tested emotions that I still reflect on,My love for her is in my heart,..You will to understand games aren't part of real love,as for me I seen beyond our friendship I felt together almost a completeness with your soul,My love for her is in my heart,...I ask her to reply to me,lets reset & restore friendship, Me a true friend with emotions for her...But all the while other senseless false fake friends,with theses devious evil notions,A covenant,A group of liars together as their formulating untrue affirmations for their selfish manipulative reasons only to lure(her)you into a vicious circle networked between separate third parties of "supposed" trust worthy people with intent of promising desires of momentary exstacy with the cruel exchange of giving pleasure to them,(Even though she isn't a drug addict)but a lifetime of misery,turmoil & regret,with a back up plan of blackmailing plots that will never be successful Literally,that only leads to nowhere that(she)you can just turn away from easily,but not to your(her)knowledge,coincidental acquaintances of yours(hers)that intermingle with acquaintances of my own that share conversations about a "her" or "she" that will give into malicious degrading deeds of sexual exchange((even though they assume from hear say of different misrepresenting people,who try to make input about her that isn't real))for a short lived high then when I(me)ask whom this female maybe(after over hearing various conversations),its alway a few giggles included with the same made up story line of a woman("supposed" her)that they just met at a certain location or social gathering,(her unknowingly)that is obvious in many ways to belittle me or cut my emotions down,all while their making nonchalant masked gestures as if it were you(her),but as I listen to all this pull of menacing hurt,all for the sake of their own fucked up pleasure,because they start thinking in front of me & saying among's themselves(let see who can be the first to fuck the girl((her)) of the guy((me)) who is in love with her) because---Sarcastically,jokingly but really meaning--(Who cares,she just a pass around or that they found out her real phone number's,(them thinking)lets talk her into hanging out & flash money or promising material object's false pleasure's((that(she)you'll never ever be able to spend or obtain)(as their plotting)or try to call her in front of me(with me not knowing) & acting as if I'm(me) not their so I(me) can feel like less a man or a nobody)..,My love for her is in my heart,..But me being a man of a different variety,my actions are megalithic,I(me)respond with actions,I(me)react with a side of me that would make satan himself turn christian,with no regret,with no remorse,with a lifetime of their love one's still in ruins after they are surpassed gone,...A little supposed blow,A little blow,huh,...Well I am a good,great man,I am very trustworthy,I am not dumb,I listen,I watch,I conversate,I withhold my feelings,but I am not one to toil with or to be used as the clown of a game made to destroy my life & my love one's,because my love for her is in my heart & I'm one man that isn't a fool,but a man who would go to the extreme to see myself & the one I can actually call a friend a woman(her)I can say I understand & love without a doubt,...My love for her is in my heart,as my mind is with her at all times,but would love for her to be with me in the flesh,in person,in real physical appearance,together here me & her,because she is & alway will be immaculate in my eyes,that what she is to me ...Literally.. :) Dedication:"Wish you were here" By:"Incubus"
By the way literally,don't fall into these situations & don't put anyone or anybody through this & please don't turn this self expression of a somewhat poem turned rant story into reality,Literally...I have tomany problems as it is all ready...the only part of this story I want coming true is the love part for me-Chris Cluney